Friday, July 12, 2013

St. Anthony ... I'm A True Believer!

Recently I had the terrible feeling of having lost my day timer (aka bible).  I looked all around and couldn't find it.  A friend of mine gave me this prayer to help me find it. So I kept repeating it again and again.  Sure enough, it turned up!  I found it the next morning - safe and sound! 
It works on anything lost!!  You just keep repeating it. 
Here it is:
St. Anthony, St. Anthony,
Turn yourself around.
Something has been lost that now must be found.
Help me find my [whatever it is you lost] - in this case, my day timer.
About a week later my husband misplaced something at the office, and I told him to repeat this prayer.  Sure enough - this important document turned up!
Needless to say, I am now a true believer!

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