Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dogs Can Truly Be Amazing!

The Man Who Comforts the Old Dog That Saved His Life!

dog saves man's life

When John Unger had suicidal thoughts after a breakup ... it was his dog Shoep who brought him back from the brink. This photograph shows Unger cradling his friend in Lake Superior to soothe the dog's arthritis.  What a true friend!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Acts of Kindness that are Truly Awesome!


The Disney Security Guard who is AMAZING at his job!

“This would be a man that loves going to work and does not dread it the night before., Upon entering the Magic Kingdom, one of the security guards said to the girl “Excuse me Princess, can I have your autograph.” I could see that the book was filled with children’s scribbles as the guard asked the same question of many little Princesses. The little gir4l could not get over the fact that the guard thought she was a real princess.”

Excerpt from “26 Moments That Restored Our Faith in Humanity This Year” (

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

D A O (Downton Abbey Overload)


One of the things I wanted for Christmas was the 2-season set of DVD’s, CD, and book from the PBS series “Downton Abbey”.  I was really intrigued by this series.  We missed the first season, but were able to catch-up with reruns last year. 

While recovering from a holiday cold, and with my husband, I have watched 6 of the 7 parts of Season 1.  Yep, we really didn’t miss any of it in reruns.  Only Part 7 left, and then on to slog through Season 2.  (Did I say slog through??)

What has been intriguing is getting to know the cast of 16 characters, both the Crawleys upstairs and the servants downstairs, who all play important parts in this oh-so prapah English caste system. It’s terrific writing. Maggie Smith, the acerbic Dowager of Downton Abbey, has some real zinger lines!  And Shirley MacLaine will be joining the cast this season as the American counterpart to Maggie.  I can see the sparks flying now!  So juicy!!

On these DVD's you get to visit backstage and hear each of the actors speak candidly.  They all have a lot of fun backstage with lots of bantering and giggles.  The backstage part is as interesting as the onstage part.

I bet you’ve seen, and maybe read, many of the articles in various newspapers and magazines on “Downton Abbey”. As I have.

So I feel I am becoming an absolute Expert on “Downton Abbey”.

Not that I wanted to be, mind you.

So I will sit through, and probably enjoy, Season 3.  But then, please do me a favor and never ask me a question about “Downton Abbey” - ever!  I am seeing the first signs of DAO - that dreaded affliction - Downton Abbey Overload!


Farwell Huell Howser

On the front page of the UT Local Section today (1/09/2013) is a photo of Huell Howser on a harbor cruise last April.  My husband and I were on that cruise, and we got to talk with Huell.  He really was the same personable guy in person as he was on screen.  Very likeable fellow.  I asked him if he were looking for new material for his shows, and he said he was going to be retiring shortly and had more than enough material to keep him busy. 

I use the past tense because yesterday Huell Howser passed away.  He was only 67.  He died of natural causes in his Palm Springs home.  So we say farewell to a California Icon who produced many charming episodes of “California’s Gold” starting in 1990 as seen on KPBS locally.  He truly was California’s best Cheerleader, making the small towns, state parks and interesting residents very accessible to his audience.  His favorite word, “Amazing!”, he probably used 50 times each show.  His enthusiasm was contagious. At the end of each show you always had a smile on your face.

He is gone, but not forgotten.  Soon Chapman University, the recent recipient of his archive of over 2,000 half-hour shows, will make them available for online viewing - free.  What a lovely gift to California.  

Farewell, Huell, we’ll miss you.  Thank you for all you gave us.  And we’ll be seeing you.